Tag Archives: brooks saddle

Spotted….one Surly tied to a lamp post

So I was down in Burlington, VT today, celebrating 17 years of marriage with Marie and the kids.  Why we took the kids with us we’re not sure.  It seemed like a fine idea at the time.  You know, be with the family, all together, enjoy the day etc.  Well, by the time Marie and I had tried to settle the first three arguments between the kids, we were ready to turn around, or perhaps leave them on the I89 somewhere outside St. Albans.

But of course we didn’t do that.  We bought them something to shut them up.  You can save your lectures: I know that’s not the right way to deal with it.

Anyway, the point of my story is simply to share a fun sighting during our walkabout of downtown Burlington.  We were walking along, minding our own business, when Marie suddenly points out a Brooks saddle to me.  I thought she meant in a store window and I was getting seriously excited thinking that may be I could talk my way into buying one sooner rather than later.  But no, it was the next best thing, and that was finding one attached to a lovely Surly fixed gear bike.

Surly Steamroller with Brooks B17 Narrow seat. Awesome!

I almost bought a Surly Steamroller before I settled on the Kona Paddywagon.  The principle reason I ended up opting for the Kona was the price.  I got an extraordinary deal on it and I could not refuse.  I do like the Surly very much though.  It’s got lovely simple lines, and aesthetically is a very good looking bicycle.  The example above was no exception.  The only shame is that there was a gnarly looking kid’s mountain bike strapped to the other side of the lamp post, and of course the Surly was secured with its own “not-so-attractive-but-very-functional” locks that took away a little from the overall look.

The part that I was truly impressed with was the beautiful dark brown leather Brooks B17 Narrow saddle.  What a beauty.  This is exactly the model that I am looking for (thanks to some good advice from readers) and seeing one today atop the Surly sealed the deal for me.  It looked bloody magnificent.

The Kona being all black with some silver highlights (in the form of the logo etc) I am leaning towards the black saddle, but I would welcome any opinions from you on that one.  Could I get away with the dark brown saddle?  To me it’s more of a classic look.  Thoughts?

One last comment.  Our Surly owner had also locked the saddle to the bike, through the other gigantic lock that secured the overall package to the lamp post.  He was wisely not taking any chances with his pride and joy.


Filed under Cycling, Family

Brooks calling




OK so who’s got a Brooks saddle out there?  Anyone?  Someone must be able to share some experience with the iconic saddle makers from England.  Let me know, because I am very seriously considering buying the B17 for the Paddywagon.  I have always loved the look of them, and being English I would like nothing more than to have one of their saddles on my fixie.

So, bring on the feedback, good and bad.  Most of the reviews I read are positive, but the odd person cites them as being very uncomfortable and challenging to wear in etc.  I’m all ears!


Filed under Cycling