Tag Archives: toronto

The Big Smoke

Been quiet for a few days as I have been travelling on business.  Oh, it was not all that exciting, let me tell you.  A quick two day trip to Toronto for some back to back meetings.  That being said, it was very productive and I am feeling exceptionally buoyed by the opportunities at work currently.  I have just recently accepted a new role within the organization and this is one of the huge benefits of working for such a large company.  You can continually test yourself by taking on new challenges with the added benefit of not having to start fresh in a new company as the man at the bottom of the totem pole.

The main purpose of this trip, therefore, was to meet my new team, and that went very well indeed.  It also presented me with a chance to re-connect with some of colleagues with whom I interact weekly, and sometimes even daily, on the phone and yet so rarely have the pleasure of meeting with them face to face.  I am lucky that I work with a very good bunch of people.  They make it fun to work, and that is so important.

I like Toronto, but sadly this time around I did not get a chance to go downtown and experience the city.  I spent the entire 48 hours in Mississauga, sometimes known as ‘Misery-saga’ for reasons which become evident as soon as you get there.  It is huge, flat and totally commercial.  One large sprawling business complex after the other.  A block here is the equivalent of perhaps ten normal city blocks.  You simply cannot get around without a car.  Don’t even think about it.  As for the traffic, well it can take north of three cycles for you to get through a light.  Madness.

It doesn’t matter how long or how short I have been away from home, that feeling of coming home is awesome.  Flying in over the city and looking down at a bunch of easily recognizable landmarks such as the Olympic Stadium, I felt a surge of comfort coming over me.  I feel so sorry for those that don’t have a good home to go home too.  I cannot imagine anything more depressing.  Touching down brings you one stop closer to holding your loved ones in your arms again and not even a thoroughly pissed off taxi driver could dampen my spirit.  Why was he pissed off?  Simple: I was not the fare he had been waiting in line for all afternoon.  I was a minimum fare customer just going about five kilometres away.  I was a waste of time.  He shouted at the taxi control fella something in a language that I could not place nor could I understand, but judging by the tone, he was clearly expressing some displeasure.  When I asked him if there was a problem, he remained silent.

Excellent.  No problem then.

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